Welcome to Queer Connect

A safe & inclusive social networking platform for the LGBTQIA+ community

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Support your community, make friends, seek support, share advice, & network with the LGBTQIA+ community worldwide

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Dicut Gay Man Progress Pride Flag 4

Join Queer Connect

Support your community, make friends, seek support, share advice, & network with the LGBTQIA+ community worldwide

Directory Hub

Events Calendar

Social Networking

Job Board

Queer Connect LGBTQIA+ Social Network & Directory Hub

Join The Queer Connect Directory Hub

Create your listing in the Queer Connect Directory Hub today to reach the LGBTQIA+ community & start cashing in on rainbow colored cash!

Worldwide LGBTQIA+ Events Calendar

Check out Queer Connect’s Events Calendar to find out what your community is up to! Discover Pride and other queer events around the world, or plan and promote your own local events!


Discover LGBTQIA+ Events Happening Around the World

  • Front Page Featured Event Ad FIRE ISLAND INVASION
  • Front Page Featured Event Ad Amsterdam Pride Week

Want more eyes on your LGBTQIA+ Events? Check out Queer Connect’s Advertising options here.

What Makes Queer Connect Different?

Post, comment, like, share… with Queer Connect, you can expect everything you are used to on the other platformsWITHOUT all of the hate, harassment, discrimination & bias.

It’s no shocker… year after year, major social media platforms continue to fail on LGBTQ safety & inclusion. 

Queer Connect is committed to changing the game – fostering a safe and inclusive online space.

QC Social Engagement

Queer Connect

The Other Guys

Queer Connect is in BETA: We’re fine-tuning! Expect updates and possible glitches. Your feedback is invaluable – help us improve!