Welcome to
Queer Connect Beta!

Thank you for joining Queer Connect Beta! We’re thrilled to have you on board as we create and perfect this valuable platform for the LGBTQ+ community & can’t wait to hear your thoughts and feedback!

Here’s what you can expect during this beta phase…

Explore Features & Functionality

Be one of the first to experience the future of queer social networking! Immerse yourself in our multifaceted platform designed to strengthen connections within the LGBTQ+ community. Explore features and functionality aimed at creating ease of access & convenience for the day-to-day life of every queer.

Shape the Future of Queer Social Networking

As a beta user, you're not just navigating Queer Connect; you're actively co-creating it. Your feedback is a blueprint for positive change – report bugs, suggest features, and help us build a platform that truly reflects and caters to the needs of our community. 

Be on the Ground Level of Growth & Connection

Queer Connect beta is your opportunity to be on the ground level of a community platform that has huge potential for growth! Join our vibrant community forums and discussions to connect with fellow beta users and become an influential voice as the platform grows.

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Embrace the Journey - Patience Leads to Perfection

While we are in our beta phase, expect occasional quirks, feature adjustments, and updates as we fine-tune Queer Connect. While our support may be limited during beta, our commitment is unwavering. Know that we are taking your feedback on board. We hear you & we are here for you! Your feedback, patience and understanding will fuel our efforts to provide an inclusive and seamless experience. 

Spread the Word & Watch Queer Connect Grow

With your support, we anticipate fast-paced growth after our official launch! We will be eternally grateful for your support during the growth phase of this platform. Queer Connect is an ever-evolving space, and your contributions will shape its future. 

Exclusive Queer Experience

You are part of an exclusive group with early access to a platform dedicated to LGBTQ+ connection and community advancement. Revel in the privilege of being a pioneer in better connecting our diverse community through the power of social networking.

QC desktop

For the best user experience, we recommend using Queer Connect on desktop, however we would appreciate you testing out both desktop and mobile versions! We will be creating a mobile app as soon as possible!

Let The Beta Testing Begin!

Thank you for being an integral part of Queer Connect’s journey. We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback! 

Queer Connect is in BETA: We’re fine-tuning! Expect updates and possible glitches. Your feedback is invaluable – help us improve!